The festival started out with the Spanish band THE MARZIPAN MAN. Not a very interesting musical mix of boring pianos, harps and violins trying to be 'magical', as it is described,but failing to do so.
Anyone that ever went to primavera sound knows that choices have to be made, not according to what band you want to see (in an ideal world you could see every single one) but according to the time you have left between your favourite bands and your mood. So by the time I got to the decision to chose between Mount Eerie and MGMT I chose the latter, since I was in the mood for fun. And fun it was!! i was in a warm and sunny disposition, and their musical bliss, ending the set with the magnificent «kids» and a little outrageous boy (probably a band member's son) jumping along on stage with them was just the perfect welcome to the festival with a good fix of fun. The great songs 'electric feel' and the hymn 'time to pretend' made their way into the warm fuzzy air of Barcelona;)
Then we took a little walk out to the beautiful new stage (VICE) sponsored by Jägermeister to get kicked in the brain by ENON's amazing fast, violent but contageous punk-rock with a japanese twist. You can see in the photo, not only do they have a great sound and a wonderful new album out, but what a set of legs right? who needs Tina Turner anyway?? eheh
Anyone that ever went to primavera sound knows that choices have to be made, not according to what band you want to see (in an ideal world you could see every single one) but according to the time you have left between your favourite bands and your mood. So by the time I got to the decision to chose between Mount Eerie and MGMT I chose the latter, since I was in the mood for fun. And fun it was!! i was in a warm and sunny disposition, and their musical bliss, ending the set with the magnificent «kids» and a little outrageous boy (probably a band member's son) jumping along on stage with them was just the perfect welcome to the festival with a good fix of fun. The great songs 'electric feel' and the hymn 'time to pretend' made their way into the warm fuzzy air of Barcelona;)
There was not a hint of deception as my heart started racing on my way down to the All Tomorrow's parties stage to get acquainted with the live performance of one of my favourite post-rock bands, EXPLOSIONS IN THE SKY. I am not exaggerating when I say that I almost cried like a little girl when they played 'yasmine the light' and most of the arrangements were so pristine! It's striking how that kind of intimate and intricate sound can lift the audience up in such a huge stage. Fantastic, absolutely made the trip worthwhile all by itself.
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